
10 Tips to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Lately, most of us have found ourselves working from home, but with a minute problem. There is less of work and more of home

Without the built-in discipline of the office environment, it gets challenging to keep up with the day’s responsibilities and work productivity outputs. With all the distractions, in and around, your work results basically range from how disturbing the neighbour is to how cooperative your cat is. To result in productive work output, you’ve got to join the dots in the plan’s outline.

Here are 10 tips for working remotely to make your current environment more office-friendly to achieve productivity goals.


  1. Begin with a separate space

  2. If you believe that you can complete your office work while you comfortably stretch yourself on your bed, you’re hugely mistaken. The bed and work are parallel worlds, never meant to meet.

    The first thing you have to consider with a work from the home profile is to allot for yourself separately, an area that will set the tone right – basically, things and items that will mentally prepare and enable you to complete the daily commitments.

    A regular desk or a table will fit the requirement. It will help you with the mindset to work and keep both your work life and the household feels, apart. To help improve focus, keep it clutter-free (similar to something you have back at the office).

    A dedicated space free from household interference and one that your family members are well aware of will prevent them from disturbing you often, which is unquestionably a hypothetical situation!

  3. Don’t get too comfortable

  4. The way you feel has a direct impact on your work productivity.

    Wake up early and dress like you’re getting ready for a whole day at the office. This routine will prepare you for the day ahead, to keep the work productivity going. You can abandon the formal pants and ties. Just make sure you are not very comfortable with the non-office outfit. Because, the moment you are dressed as if you are ready for a good night’s sleep, you will end up asleep, even if it’s 12 in the noon!

    Howsoever comforting your pyjamas are, you will need to break up with them – talk to them and make them understand that it’s not them, it’s you.

  5. Plan your day’s schedule

  6. And stick to it.

    The best way to begin working from home effectively is with a morning schedule. Not following the day’s plan will decrease focus and reduce work productivity as you progress ahead with each task. Delayed activities add fuel to a guilty mind’s fire.

    Overcoming the morning lethargy is difficult, but once you start your day well, it will keep you active throughout.

  7. Break the hours

  8. Timing is a crucial part of the planned schedule. Establish slots for total working hours, divide them on how long the task will require for completion, schedule short breaks, lunch hours, team calls, etc.

    Deadlines work miraculously well for some of us. It is a conscious expectation for the (un)expected last-minute work calls. Give time for the tasks at hand so that these calls won’t increase your blood pressure later.

    You must know when to start and stop.

  9. Bribe/treat yourself

  10. Once you’ve planned how you’ll be going about your day, you could bribe yourself with treats on every significant task you complete- the ones adhered to timelines. Kindly keep zero rewards for a work that is submitted six hours later than it was supposed to be.

    Staying productive goes tough with the home’s comfy setup. You can treat yourself with cuddling your pet once you finish a lengthy task at hand. Such little treats will be a fresh motivation to keep the work advancing right.

  11. Keep up the inspiration

  12. Home-office setups could be exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. The solitude will feel great for a while but might eventually take a part of your sanity, or the whole of it. Some days the bright weather and the birds in your balcony might help you in fruitful work outputs while another day, it would just be you staring at the void all day long.

    Work on little activities that will liven the mood and break the solitude’s monotony. You can listen to your fav music, go for a walk, discuss projects or just have a quick chat, read some pages in-between or during a break – this will keep up the focus.

  13. Socialize – UNsocialize

  14. After a few hours into the home-office setup, you might find yourself either talking to those empty walls around, or just staring at them for hours. It gets difficult working from home in isolation and gradually it might get incredibly lonely too.

    Keep the social switch on – continue having regular communication with your colleagues, just the way you prefer at your office. Getting on a quick call will break the dull mood.

  15. No visitors

  16. This is from the best tried and tested tips for working from home effectively – do not allow anyone to enter your workspace.

    Anyone here refers to everyone: your family members, pets, roommates, noise from the neighbor’s drilling machine, and your Netflix account. Just leave ’em outside and restrict entries.

    You don’t want that weary feeling originating as a result of the incomplete, piled-up work. This will lessen your morale, productivity, and reflect in the overall performance.

  17. Don’t slouch on the couch

  18. Go outside for a walk, and if not out, you can at least take a stroll down/near/about/inside the house. Just get up and move.


    For starters, because it is not healthy. A bad spine posture and prolonged sitting hours are call for troubles in the long run. Walk around for a quick 5-10 minutes, in-between work slots and don’t forget to come back. You are certainly not done for the day.

  19. No social media

  20. Come what may, don’t let your concentration get swayed by the calling notifications from Instagram and Facebook!

    For let us walk you through what happens when you’re tempted by these sweet nothings.

    The moment you open the application with your finger’s gentle tap, no force on earth can bring you out of it. You’ll find yourself laughing and giggling, tagging your friends on ten similar memes, replying to comments and sharing stories everywhere in the la la land of social media.

    Basically, you’ll do everything that you are not supposed to. Thus, wasting a minimum of 2 hours on what was supposed to be your productive time.

You can take help from the best productivity tools to increase your work productivity.

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